Repairing my broken juggling ball

I don’t plan to become a surgeon, but I did learn a lot from my surgery clerkship. I toss a juggling ball around sometimes, it helps me think and ideate to solve problems. Recently, I was tossing it around with some friends and hit a rock or something sharp. The ball ripped along the seam and started leaking its packing material. I had grown fond of that particular ball. It had been with me for the past 8 months or so. I had some spare suturing material in my apartment and decided to fix it.

I had practice closing port sites, a few lacerations, and closing skin and deep dermal in C-sections and open abdominal surgeries. Using some 4-0 vicryl, needle driver, and pickups I threw a few simple interrupted sutures in a few places with isolated injuries and a running subq over the part with the largest cut. It worked. My ball was back in great shape.

It was fun because it reminded me that I had picked up at least one new skill from my time on surgery and meant that I could keep tossing my ball without a day or two wait for a new ball to come in from Amazon.